A biweekly sampling program to determine the water quality of greenhouse process water (feed, leach and collection pond water) was conducted at 7 vegetable and 8 flower greenhouse operations. As well, a water use and management paper survey across a wider range of operations was conducted to determine the quantity of water being used for irrigation and the degree to which unused irrigation water (leach) is being captured and reused, and issues surrounding water use/reuse management. A total of 9 vegetable growers completed surveys (3 tomato, 2 cucumber, 3 pepper, and 1 tomato and pepper operations), and 27 flower operators were surveyed, with approximately even representation from the five major production categories (cut recirculating, cut open, potted plant recirculating, potted plant open, and cut flowers grown in soil).
Links: TOGAKeywords: water, leachate, volumes, recirculation, water treatment, water quality