Category Archives: Cluster 2

Foxglove aphid biology and management in ornamental greenhouse production systems

Dr. Rose Buitenhuis Vineland Research and Innovation Centre The goal of this research project led ...

Greening Canada’s highways: expanding nursery and landscape market opportunities

Dr. Darby McGrath Vineland Research and Innovation Centre Based on earlier research results which pointed ...

Eco‐integrated green walls for indoor gardening and commercial buildings

Dr. Martine Dorais and Claudine Ménard Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada This project by AAFC scientists ...

Development and marketing of new hardy woody plant varieties based primarily on native Newfoundland flora

Todd Boland Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden Led by MUNBG’s Todd Boland, this project ...

Optimal fertilizer application rates in container nursery crop production

Dr. Youbin Zheng Vineland Research and Innovation Centre Excess fertilization is not only costly but ...

Improving nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency of potted chrysanthemums grown in a subirrigation system

Dr. Barry Shelp University of Guelph Regardless of the irrigation system used in greenhouse floricultural ...

Impact of turfgrass fertilization on nutrient losses through runoff and leaching

Guillaume Grégoire Université Laval This research project evaluates the use of different types of turfgrass ...

Precision irrigation in nursery using wireless tensiometers

Dr. Charles Goulet Université Laval Irrigation is one of the most important factors affecting nursery ...