Category Archives: Cluster 1

Dynamic greenhouse climate control to conserve energy and improve crop quality

Xiuming Hao, AAFC, Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph, Mike Dixon, University of Guelph Conserving energy ...

Winter greenhouse heat consumption reduction

Damien de Halleux, Laval University; André Gosselin, Laval University; Xiuming Hao, AAFC Harrow Damien de ...

Optimization of management practices for biological control of thrips and other important pests of ornamental crops

Les Shipp, AAFC Harrow; Jacques Brodeur, University of Montreal; Cynthia Scott-Dupree, University of Guelph; Rose ...

Biocontrol strategy for the control of aphids on greenhouse ornamentals

David Gillespie, AAFC Agassi; Jenny Cory, Simon Fraser University; Bernie Roitberg, Simon Fraser University Dr. ...

Biocontrol agents for turf pests

Michael Brownbridge, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre; Deborah Henderson, Kwantlen Polytechnic University; Pam Charbonneau, OMAFRA ...

Alternative weed control methods and bioherbicides in turf and nursery production

François Tardif, University of Guelph; Katerina Jordan, University of Guelph; Eric Lyons, University of Guelph; ...

Water treatment technologies

Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph; Mike Dixon, University of Guelph; Xiuling Tian, University of Guelph; ...

Pathogen suppression in substrates

Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph; Mike Dixon, University of Guelph; Xiuling Tian, University of Guelph; ...

Reducing water applications

Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph; Mike Dixon, University of Guelph; Xiuling Tian, University of Guelph; ...

Expand the adoption of precision plant based irrigation technologies to reduce water use in both greenhouse and nursery product

David Ehret, AAFC, Agassiz Dr. David Ehret with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has evaluated a ...