COHA Connections is the research website of the of the Canadian Ornamental Horticulture Alliance (COHA-ACHO) with the mandate to strengthen the communication’s link between industry, our funding partners and the research community.  Through our recognition of the important contribution of each participant, COHA Connections will support the Alliance in fostering a strong and competitive economic environment for our member companies.

Our Commitment to Research

COHA-ACHO’s research efforts are supported by an effective Alliance structure that brings together a very diverse group of ornamental industry associations representing an equally diverse value chain.  Our commitment to ornamental’s research is achieved by encouraging investment in research and innovation from all industry partners.

Securing the sectors’ successful participation in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) AgriScience Program – Cluster Component has been a primary undertaking for COHA-ACHO.

Collective visioning through a series of industry priority setting sessions and leadership strategies to ensure strong ties to current federal government priorities have resulted in three successful ornamental clusters.

COHA-ACHO Research Committee:  A team approach

Oversight to COHA-ACHO’s research activities, including priority setting, project management and industry liaison is provided by the COHA-ACHO Research Committee, with representation from each of the Alliance partners.

Jamie Aalbers

Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA)

Jamie Aalbers graduated from the University of Guelph with a B.Sc. (Agr) in Horticultural Science and Business and has since been involved in the ornamental horticulture sector in many capacities, including greenhouse grower, mini-rose breeder, research director, trials’ manager and consultant. For the past 14 years he has worked with Flowers Canada and Landscape Ontario, managing a portfolio that included research, business risk management and government relations. Ten years ago, he took on a part time role to manage greenhouse flower trials and the SR&ED claims resulting from those trials.

Currently Jamie is the Growers Manager for the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, responsible for managing a wide array of national nursery grower issues which include plant health and trade, research and new plant development.

Guillaume Grégoire

Québec Vert

Dr. Guillaume Grégoire holds a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from Université Laval, a master’s degree in horticulture from the University of Guelph and a Ph.D. in plant biology from Université Laval. He has close to 20 years of experience in ornamental’s research and has primarily worked on the environmental impacts of turfgrass management. Before obtaining his current position as an associate professor in ornamental horticulture at Université Laval, Dr. Grégoire was a technical and scientific analyst at Fédération interdisciplinaire de l’horticulture ornementale du Québec (FIHOQ).

Cary Gates, P.Ag.

Flowers Canada Growers

Cary graduated from the University of Guelph in 2006 after studying Horticulture and Plant Science. He also worked for several years on campus in a plant physiology lab breeding alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Upon graduating, Cary started with Flowers Canada Growers as a Minor Use Coordinator tasked with working to bring new pest management solutions to ornamental farmers. Since that time the role at FCG has evolved to include pest management, production, and pesticide exposure research, with a mandate to enhance the ornamental sector’s ability to produce high quality products.

Marc Laganière, agronomist, M. Sc.

Québec Vert

Marc Laganière is an agronomist with a master’s degree in weed science from Laval University. He was involved in turfgrass research for 4 years at Laval University’s Horticultural Research Center. He spent 23 years as a production manager for a major sod grower in the Québec City area and at the same time, 12 years as an agronomist for the same owner in his nursery production division. He has delivered soil, fertilization, turf insects and diseases, and water management courses to greenskeepers and golf staff for over 20 years. Marc acts as a technical and scientific analyst for Québec Vert. Marc is also a consultant for golf courses and supports them in the production of pesticide reduction plans. He acts as an administrator and volunteer for Agiro, a non-profit organization involved in drinking water protection of Québec City’s reservoir.

Our Alliance Partners

Canadian Nursery Landscape Association

The Canadian Nursery Landscape Association is a federation of associations, representing the nine provincial associations across Canada at the national level. Together with our provincial association partners, CNLA undertakes initiatives that will achieve sustainable prosperity for company members within a very diverse value chain that includes landscape contractors, wholesale nursery growers and retail garden centres.

Flowers Canada Growers

Flowers Canada Growers is the national trade association of the Canadian floral industry. Members include greenhouse growers, distributors and importers/exporters all dealing with cut flowers, potted plants, bedding plants, cut greens and specialty suppliers and services to the industry.

It is the aim of FCG to improve and strengthen to the unity of the floriculture industry. We strive to create an environment for our industry that will allow it to thrive and prosper as a major contributor to the economy and to the quality of life in Canada.

Québec Vert

Previously operating as FIHOQ, Quebec’s trade organization has reorganized as a dynamic new brand under the Québec Vert banner.Sustainable development will be a priority for the organization, with an enhanced mission to represent ornamental, environmental and urban agriculture.Québec Vert values and recognizes the essential role of plants in society.Making all levels of governments and general public aware of the importance of plants and sustainable horticultural practices are important to the organization’s overall mandate.Québec Vert aims to inform and support the green industry in the implementation of innovative production practices and the reduction of the sector’s environmental footprint.